Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Wednesday Wandering

Halloween is approaching.  Xander is going to be Julius Cesear.  Not Harry Potter, not scary monster.  Julius Cesear.  Where does he come up with this stuff?

But what is up with the costumes?  All the female ones are some sexy nurse or maid ones and the boys are demons or monsters.  I mean, standing there with my kid in the store I felt like I had to cover his eyes or something.  Ever since Sarah Palin came along I feel extra sensitive to sexism issues.  I don't know - all of it feels sort of out of our hands right now.  What can we do?

This is true at my work.  How interesting working in Labor & Delivery is.  Because birth should be transformational, it should change our lives.  And I watch women give away their power all the time allowing this big hospital system to tell them how it's done.  It's as though there is a system in place from birth that is shaping us.  Here is this thing that only women can do and it's THE thing - the thing that keeps our race going.  And it's so important.  And it is feminism that said "We don't have to feel pain, it's our right" - and yes, but how did pain free childbirth become powerless childbirth?  

Damn, I wanted to be fun and frivolous today - read a trashy novel, get my nails done.  Time to stop.  Time to consider vapid thought.  Go make our Julius Cesear costume. Render unto Cesear and all that.

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